F lavoured Milk??? Let's take a look at the video presented by Dennis Jonsson, President and CEO of Tetra Pak Group about the importance and future development of flavoured milk. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rZ2eV18Hvg Most people love flavoured milk, but what exactly is flavoured milk? Flavoured milk is a sweetened milk beverage, commonly manufactured by using milk or recombined milk, sugar, permitted flavourings as well as artificial or natural colourings. Flavoured milk is probably one of the most preferred type of beverages in terms of its high nutritional value which benefits people from all ages, especially children and the elderly. The popularity of flavoured milk in Australia was proven when The Sunday Times reported that Western Australia was the “flavoured milk capital” of Australia in 2013. How amusing! Flavoured milk is available in many different types of flavour such as chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, honeydew and green tea flavour. You can choo